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The HaloGraph consists of three layers: themes, answers, and responses, and it provides a drill-down view to explore the data in detail

Updated over a year ago

The HaloGraph chart consists of three layers: themes, answers, and responses, and it provides a drill-down view to explore the data in more detail. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the HaloGraph chart, its layers, data, sorting and filtering options, and useful definitions that will help you understand and interpret the results.

Chart creation

The chart is auto-generated when the study starts to collect data. You can find the HaloGraph chart for all AI Open-End™ questions in the reports overlay.

You can also manually create a new HaloGraph chart. Click "Add new" in the reports overlay, then select the HaloGraph chart. Now, you can pick one of the two presets:

  1. All answers (this option will include the "Unthemed answers" category)

  2. Exclude unthemed (this option will only answers that have a theme)

Chart layers

Let us take a closer look at the chart itself 👇

The data is structured in 3 layers:

  1. Theme layer

    Themes occupy the inside ring of the chart. The colors of individual data points reflect theme colors.

    If there are unthemed answers within the HaloGraph chart, they are displayed in grey under the common "Unthemed" theme.

  2. Answer layer

    The second ring outside the themes ring will show answers belonging to individual themes.

  3. Response layer

    The response layer will only show once you click on the chart. This will trigger a drill-down view 👇

The drill-down view has the following specifics:

  1. The selected theme is in the middle of the chart.

  2. Answers that belong to the selected theme in the inner ring.

  3. Responses that belong to individual answers in the outer ring.

Note: The response layer is only accessible for IPM-compatible (version 4 and higher) studies in English. The response layer is not displayed if the study is in a different language or of a lower version. You can learn so in the tooltip that shows above the chart.

Proportions of all individual data points in all layers are determined by the number of responses the particular theme /answer/response contains.

A tooltip displays when you hover over a particular theme/answer/response.

In addition to the theme/answer/response text, the tooltip shows the number of responses. For themes and answers, Theme/Expected support is displayed as well.

Beneath the chart, there is an interactive table. This table is also accessible from the "Chart data."

You can open and close relevant levels to explore answers & responses. The table automatically opens all themes but only opens answers with multiple different responses.

A special icon (GroupSolver chainlink icon) within the data table indicates that the answer is grouped (grouped via AI Open-End™ manager).

Note: When the responses are matched, and if there is an exact-case-sensitive match on the text, we combine those into one response but give it count (basically weight) of the number of combined responses.

Chart data

Click on the Data button in the top bar to display the chart data.

Chart data offers a detailed table view of the data, the same one that is accessible underneath the chart.

The "Edit themes" action will redirect you to AI Open-End™ Manager with a particular question selected. "Copy to clipboard" will copy the data to the clipboard and let you paste them to your Excel sheet.

If you want to change the question, you can do so at the bottom part of the window.

Sorting and filtering

You can sort themes in the chart. The default sorting of answers and responses cannot be changed. You can either sort by Theme support or a Theme name in ascending or descending order.

You can filter what themes to display in a chart. If you select "exclude unthemed answers", "Theme name - is not unthemed" is applied.

Chart options

In the chart options overlay, you can:

  1. Change chart title

  2. Change what values to display in the chart:

    1. no values

    2. the absolute number of responses (count)

Useful definitions

  1. Response: a normalized statement derived from one or more verbatim responses given by respondents.

  2. Answer: a representative response that embodies the meaning of a group of responses.

  3. Expected support: estimated percentage of the sample that would agree with an answer.

  4. Theme: a group of answers with similar meaning.

  5. Theme support: estimated percentage of the sample that would agree with a theme.

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